
作者:wowo 发布于:2016-12-8 11:05 分类:蓝牙


With the launch of Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth® technology continues to evolve to meet the needs of the industry as the global wireless standard for simple, secure connectivity. With 4x range, 2x speed and 8x broadcasting message capacity, the enhancements of Bluetooth 5 focus on increasing the functionality of Bluetooth for the IoT. These features, along with improved interoperability and coexistence with other wireless technologies, continue to advance the IoT experience by enabling simple and effortless interactions across the vast range of connected devices.


Several new features are introduced in the Bluetooth Core Specification 5.0
Release. The major areas of improvement are:
• Slot Availability Mask (SAM)
• 2 Msym/s PHY for LE
• LE Long Range
• High Duty Cycle Non-Connectable Advertising
• LE Advertising Extensions
• LE Channel Selection Algorithm #2



标签: 蓝牙 Bluetooth 5.0 2M Extensions

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