
作者:wowo 发布于:2014-4-28 10:24 分类:统一设备模型

在Linux设备模型的抽象中,存在着一类称作“Platform Device”的设备,内核是这样描述它们的(Documentation/driver-model/platform.txt):

Platform devices are devices that typically appear as autonomous entities in the system. This includes legacy port-based devices and host bridges to peripheral buses, and most controllers integrated into system-on-chip platforms.  What they usually have in common is direct addressing from a CPU bus.  Rarely, a platform_device will be connected through a segment of some other kind of bus; but its registers will still be directly addressable.


这些设备有一个基本的特征:可以通过CPU bus直接寻址(例如在嵌入式系统常见的“寄存器”)。因此,由于这个共性,内核在设备模型的基础上(device和device_driver),对这些设备进行了更进一步的封装,抽象出paltform bus、platform device和platform driver,以便驱动开发人员可以方便的开发这类设备的驱动。



标签: Linux Kernel 设备模型 platform设备

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